清乾隆豆青釉大肚尊 (一对) (2017厦门金砖五国峰会展出)
    ZUN VASE WITH BEAN GREEN GLAZE, QIANLONG REIGN, QING DYNASTY (A PAIR) Exhibited at the the BRICS Conference in 2017 in Xiamen
    高 Height : 62.5 cm
    口 Caliber : 24.5 cm
    底 Bottom Diameter : 35.5 cm
    敞口、束颈、折肩、圆腹、圈足外撇,器身颈部和肩部饰弦纹。仿青铜器造型,口沿、贯耳、圈底饰精美铜鎏金装饰,极具欧洲宫廷风格。颈部两侧饰竹节纹贯耳。肩双侧另饰鎏金天鹅雕塑双耳。中式单色釉的纯粹和西方鎏金铜塑的装饰结合相得益彰。通体施豆青釉,釉面优雅宜人,釉层肥厚,色泽饱满,装饰线条流畅。底青花书“大清乾隆年制”六字篆书。 拓展知识点: 豆青,瓷器釉色名。青釉派生釉色之一,起源于宋代的龙泉窑。豆青和东青原属一类,以后才各具特色。明以前微近黄色,至清代纯近绿色。其釉色为青中泛黄,釉面光泽比粉青、梅子青弱。明代豆青色釉烧制水平趋于平稳,基本的色调仍以青中闪黄为主,而青色比以前淡雅。清代豆青釉淡雅柔和,色浅者淡若湖水,色深者绿中泛黄,釉面凝厚。清代烧造豆青釉的同时,还在釉上施以各种色彩入窑二次烧造,淡雅的釉色衬托下的色彩,更加艳丽妩媚。
    Enamel porcelain is the emergence of porcelain in the history of the development of an inevitable product enamel porcelain before the body is cloisonne, that is, the so-called "enamel painting." It rose in the Ming Dynasty, is in the copper tires on the blue background color, pinch to copper wire, and then filled with red, yellow, blue, green, white and other glaze firing from the crafts. In the Qing Dynasty Kangxi years this "painting enamel" method is used in porcelain, which absorbs the copper tire painting enamel technique, in the porcelain tires, with a variety of enamel color material drawn from a new Glazed porcelain. Elegant enamel color come out, although with the "Kangxi flourishing", but the relationship with the Yongzheng more important. Yongzheng ascended the throne, the society carried out some reform, greatly improving the Jingdezhen porcelain artist's social status. And Yongzheng love exquisite porcelain, often on the court porcelain to be evaluated, personally asked, and sent officials to manage the production of porcelain industry. Kangxi, Yongzheng made enamel color, the first in the Jingdezhen kiln in the election of the best raw materials into a prime fat tire sent to the court, by the court painter in the palace after the second into the low temperature furnace baking.